Wednesday, March 10, 2010

False Sense of Security

It has been a difficult transition back in the routine. Things seem to be coming together a little too easy. I'm waiting for something bad to happen.Team Might Avengers seem to have everything in order to start putting their game together. Team somethingtrippy seem to be making it to school on a regular basis (except Pat who is always here) and producing a solid game platform. They should be ready to start putting their game together soon. Team THP changed topics but produced more work in 1 class period than they had in weeks of treading water on their first game idea. And lastly, team Architecture who resisted the game design have embraced the idea and are producing quality work at a fast pace. I hope to post their paper prototypes Friday for the world to see.
I hope that nothing else bad happens to slow the students down like 20 more snow days.

1 comment:

  1. That is exciting to hear. I hope things are continuing to shine.
